As part of Matrix MCI, I worked on two separate opportunities for two separate third-party companies to effectively merchandise LG televisions. The first (pictured below) was to show off their ultra high-end OLED TVs in Best Buy, Future Shop, and specialty audio / visual retailers. The second (pictured above) was to replace the TV walls in Best Buy, Future Shop, and The Brick. The results were the designs you see here.
LG has strict brand guidelines, they are were important to maintain that technology with humanity image that LG has worked so hard to foster over all their products, from smartphones to televisions.
While a lot of designers struggle with tight brand standards, I thrive on them. Finding opportunities for innovation in them is thrilling. It also focuses thought and ideation and gives you a strong sense of what is important to convey in the designs. It is almost a cheat sheet of the client’s expectations and tastes. I had good experiences using brand guidelines and these projects were no different.
All the concepts were modeled in Solidworks and rendered in Photoview 360 with post-production tweaks in Adobe Photoshop. The bottom two would not be possible without my brainstorming partner Leanne Kroll.

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