Colin Finkle’s speaking changes people’s mindset on brands and converting the audience into brand builders.
Colin Finkle is one of the foremost experts in brand marketing. As the founder and top contributor to BMB Brand Marketing Blog, he has shared his knowledge with hundreds of thousands; his theory, insights, tips, and tricks help people see that a brand is not only an asset, the asset to covet in the twenty-first century.
The Brand Cycle
Understanding the repeating process customers are going through in relating to your brand.
No matter what your brand, the process that brought them to you and ultimately will have them reevaluating you is the same.
That cycle can be atomized into seven steps: impression, evaluation, purchase, learning, use, reevaluation, and (potentially) leaving. The beginning and end of these steps are defined by five inflection points: brand discovery, identification of need, purchase decision, point of fluency and repurchase realization.
Learn more by reading The Brand Cycle blog post.
Ideal audience: Marketers, Designers, Engineers
What the audience leaves with: Most people come thinking branding is something in the front end: magazine ads and websites. But attendees that watch The Brand Cycle lecture come away with a broader sense of their brand, setting themselves up for better brand loyalty and growth.
Brand Equity: An Asset
Treating your brand as an asset that you invest in shifts what you expect from marketing.
Business owners have a near-universal fallacy: marketing is an expense. This may be true if your marketing sucks.
Your company has assets: building, machine, contracts, human capital, even accounts recievable. All of these are things that have value because they will help generate profits in the future. You invest in these assets so they will return even more. A brand is no different. Spending on marketing, design and customer experience are not costs, they are investments into brand equity. This mindset is why Apple’s brand is 59% of their $567 billion dollar market cap.
Learn more by reading: What is Brand Equity? and What is Brand Marketing?
Ideal audience: Business Owners, Executives
What the audience comes away with: Businessman start treating their brand as an asset and start asking better questions to their marketing partners.