Totally Rad Show background 1

One of my favorite things about the internet is that is has democratized media. One of the gems that have come out of that new media is The Totally Rad Show. At no other point in history could 3 guys with a camera, a garage and entertaining things to say reach so many people. The […]

One of my favorite things about the internet is that is has democratized media. One of the gems that have come out of that new media is The Totally Rad Show. At no other point in history could 3 guys with a camera, a garage and entertaining things to say reach so many people. The Totally Rad Show is a a daily podcast by Revision 3 that features commentary on movies, video games, and television from Alex Albrecht, Daniel Trachtenberg and Jeff Cannata. I was honoured that they chose me to illustrate a background for their show the week of December 6th, 2010.

Producer Mike Gaines and I decided that an Epic Mickey themed background was a good direction because of the anticipation the guys had to review the Wii video game. My starting point was a great painting made as promotional material for the game. I illustrated the logo in and painted the guys in. I kept a close eye on the lighting and matching the brush stroke texture

This is a painting for the promotion of Epic Mickey the Wii game. I did NOT do this painting. It was the starting point for the project.This the the illustration that I did for the Totally Rad Show. I inserted in guys in the painting and the logo in.